Main Benefits
Why Choose Thermo Scientific™ Heratherm™ Environmental Chambers?
Suited to Controlled Environments
Data capture in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11
Stability testing according to ICH Q1A (R2) in Stability Chambers
Photostability testing including UV exposure according to ICH guideline Q1B in Light Chambers
Committed to Sustainability
Peltier technology for built-in temperature efficiency
Integrated water tank for water-efficient humidification
LED lighting for low-energy light chambers
Designed for Ease of Use
Intuitive, touchscreen user interface
Ergonomic height
Shipped upright, ready to install
Drug Stability Testing
How to Ensure Your Pharmaceutical Testing Can Handle the Heat?

Stability Chambers
From raw material identification to finished and packaged pharmaceutical products, drug stability testing is a critical step for both research and development (R&D) and quality control (QC), with a tremendous impact on customer safety. Stability chambers are enclosures used to test the “stability profile” of a drug — documentation on how the quality of a drug may vary over time under the influence of a variety of parameters. Temperature and humidity are key factors controlled when using stability chambers.
Maximizing control over the stability testing process allows pharmaceutical manufacturers to obtain the most thorough, accurate results as efficiently as possible—avoiding any number of issues that can negatively influence the efficacy of testing results and/or the quality of products produced.
Discover the Product1 Touchscreen
The easy-to-use touchscreen control panel provides guidance through the start-up process and choices of preprogrammed light cycles are immediately available.
2 Humidity Control
The integrated water tank delivers water to the desired relative humidity (RH) specification inside the chamber. The humidification system is designed to minimize condensate in standard applications, while increasing lab efficiency.
3 Accessories
Loading the chamber is easy with shelves that pull out and hold up to 25 kg in weight. Reinforced stainless steel shelves that hold up to 70 kg are also available.
4 Manoeuvrability
Shipped upright, ready to unpack, plug-in and start-up from delivery. Each 750L model fits through standard door frames and has casters that lock and unlock for ease of moving and positioning in the laboratory.

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