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Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Renilla-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay Kit

Simultaneously detect intracellular Renilla and Red Firefly luciferase activity in mammalian whole cell lysates.

Marca:  Thermo Scientific™ 16185

Dettagli aggiuntivi : Peso : 0.01000kg Transport : UN number : 1992 Chem class : 3 Pack group : II

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Codice prodotto. 12201682

  • 254.00€ / Pezzo
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The Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Renilla-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay Kit provides the necessary reagents to simultaneously detect intracellular Renilla and Red Firefly luciferase activity in mammalian whole cell lysates.

The Pierce Renilla-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay Kit is a highly sensitive assay that allows for the simultaneous detection of Green Renilla and Red Firefly luciferase activity. Green Renilla luciferase acts as an experimental reporter with constitutively active red firefly as a normalization control. This reporter-and-control combination enables simultaneous monitoring of experimental reporter and control luciferase activities in a single-read assay without the need for two-step addition of substrate reagents or quenching. The assay working solution contains substrates for both luciferases, and the reactions occur simultaneously with flash-type kinetics. The resulting luminescent signals are spectrally resolvable using filters. In a single sample, researchers can assay transcriptional activity of regulatory elements, signal transduction pathways, and effects of activators or inhibitors.


  • Simultaneous – concurrent, filter-based, wavelength-separated detection of two luciferase activities

  • Sensitive – measure Green Renilla and red firefly luciferase activities in the same sample

  • Fast – no quenching step required, unlike in traditional sequential dual assays

  • Multiplex – capable of quantitating two cellular activities in the same sample(s)


Cell lysis buffer, reaction buffer, and substrates coelenterazine and D-luciferin


Green Renilla and Red Firefly luciferase reporters; Filter sets at 525nm±20nm for Green Renilla Luc and 615 to 675nm for Red Firefly Luc. Luminometer or other instrument capable of monitoring luminescence, such as Thermo Scientific Luminoskan Ascent and Varioskan Flash Microplate Readers; Injector required for assessing more than 24 wells at a time.

Recommended for:

Study two regulatory elements at the same time; Monitor two signaling pathways simultaneously; Enable studying more than one target per screen (e.g. off-target effects)



Assay Kit
100 Dual Luciferase Assays
Sufficient For: 100 dual-luciferase assays in microplate wells
• Renilla-Firefly Dual Assay Buffer, 5 mL (store at 4°C)
• 100X Coelenterazine, 50 μL (store at -80°C)
• D-Luciferin, 3 mg (store at 4°C)
• Luciferase Cell Lysis Buffer (2X), 6 mL (store at room temperature)

Upon receipt, store kit at -80°C, or store individual components as indicated above.
Mammalian Cells
Luminometer (Microplate)
Enzyme Labeled
Enhanced Chemiluminescence
Luciferase, Firefly Luciferase, Green Renilla Luciferase
100 Reaction Kit
Reporter Enzyme, Luciferase Reporter Assay
384-well plate, 96-well plate
Chemical Substrate
Luciferase Substrate
Coelenterazine, D-Luciferin
Suggerimenti di prodotto

Suggerimenti di prodotto

Sicurezza e movimentazione

Sicurezza e movimentazione

Identificativo prodotto
  • Pierce Renilla-Firefly Luciferase Dual Assay Kit

  • Pericolo

Categoria di pericolo
  • Tossicità acuta Categoria 3
  • Liquido infiammabile Categoria 2
  • Tossicità specifica per organi bersaglio (esposizione singola) Categoria 1

Indicazioni di pericolo
  • H225-Liquido e vapori facilmente infiammabili.
  • H301-Tossico se ingerito.
  • H311-Tossico per contatto con la pelle.
  • H331-Tossico se inalato.
  • H370-Provoca danni agli organi.

Consigli di prudenza
  • P210-Tenere lontano da fonti di calore, superfici riscaldate, scintille, fiamme e altre fonti di innesco. Vietato fumare.
  • P241-Utilizzare impianti elettrici/di ventilazione/d'illuminazione/ a prova di esplosione.
  • P260-Non respirare la polvere/i fumi/i gas/la nebbia/i vapori/gli aerosol.
  • P280-Indossare guanti/indumenti protettivi/Proteggere gli occhi/il viso.
  • P301+P310-IN CASO DI INGESTIONE: contattare immediatamente un CENTRO ANTIVELENI/un medico/
  • P303+P361+P353-IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON LA PELLE (o con i capelli): togliere immediatamente tutti gli indumenti contaminati. Sciacquare la pelle/fare una doccia.
  • P304+P340-IN CASO DI INALAZIONE: trasportare l'infortunato all'aria aperta e mantenerlo a riposo in posizione che favorisca la respirazione.
  • P403+P235-Conservare in luogo fresco e ben ventilato.
  • P501b-Smaltire il prodotto/recipiente in conformità con le disposizioni locali/regionali/nazionali/internazionali.

Informazioni supplementari
  • MIXTURE LIST-Contiene: methanol



Offerte speciali

Offerte speciali

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.