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Thermo Scientific™ RadEye™ B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters
Quickly characterize mixed surface contamination from gamma radiation, x-ray radiation, alpha radiation and beta radiation with dose rate measurement survey meters.
Marca: Thermo Scientific™ 4250685
First responders need to quickly identify mixed radioactive surface contamination in facility and field environments. Thermo Scientific™ RadEye™ B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters are simple, robust, reliable contamination and dose rate measurement tools for characterizing alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose handheld Geiger counters provide an on-site solution for homeland security personnel, fire brigades, emergency response personnel, agencies involved in decontamination and decommissioning projects and hospital and pharmaceutical industry employees.
RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters offer consistent, reliable results in any application requiring radiological surveys of flat surfaces. Model B20 is for normal measurements. Model B20-ER is for high-range measurements.
- Lightweight (300g), excellent grip with and without gloves.
- Rugged and compact design, thick rubber protective cover.
- Low cost of ownership with > 500 hour operation time with 2 AAA batteries – rechargeable NiMH-cells can be used.
- Menu-driven user interface results in low training cost and immediate familiarity.
- Huge internal data memory for both scaler results and continuous data recording.
- Bright backlit LCD display. Plain text messages and different languages can be selected.
- Easy adaptation to different tasks by supervisor configuration, calibration, selection of measuring units.
- Versatile operation modes:
Scaler/Timer with preset count and preset time for sample measurements.
Continuous ratemeter mode for frisker operation.
Dose rate mode.
- Audible indication: single pulse or chirper mode proportional to count rate.
- Earphone output for operation in loud environment.
- IR PC Interface or Bluetooth™ as option.
- Advanced Windows™ software is available as option.
0 to 2 mSv/h (0-200 mR/h) | |
5.2 x 2.8 x 5.2 pollici (13 x 7 x 13 cm) | |
Con filtro di energia raggi gamma: da 17 keV a 1.3 MeV | |
Survey Meter | |
5.2 in. | |
Efficienza 2p (rif. a un diametro di 50 mm senza guaina in gomma): Am-241; Co-60: 25%; Sr/Y-90: 36%; C-14: 19% | |
44 mm | |
300 g | |
A LED, acustico, vibrazione | |
cps, cpm. Bq, dpm, dps, Sv/h, rem/h | |
2.8 in. | |
2 mSv/h (200 mrem/h) | |
13 cm | |
13 cm |
Intensità di dose di raggi gamma: 0-2 mSv/h (0-200 mrem/h); intervallo di misura della contaminazione: 0-10 kcps | |
1.7 in. | |
2 batterie AAA | |
Contaminazione B-20: 0 - 10 kcps; B20ER: 0 - 500 kcps | |
5.2 in. | |
Contatore GM Pancake, diametro finestra 44 mm (1.7 pollici), da 1.8 a 2.0 mg/cm2 | |
7 cm | |
Sicurezza nazionale; vigili del fuoco; risposta alle emergenze; ospedali; settore dell'energia nucleare; industria farmaceutica; università | |
Gamma | |
6 mm | |
Oltre 500 ore con due batterie AAA | |
0.7 lb. | |
2.4 in. | |
Intensità di dose di raggi gamma: da 0 a 2 mSv/h (da 0 a 200 mR/h); contaminazione: da 0 a 10 kcps |
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