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Thermo Scientific™ Cryptococcus Antigen Test Kit

Rapidly detect polysaccharide antigens associated with Cryptococcus neoformans infection using Cryptococcus Antigen Test Kit.

Marca:  Thermo Scientific™ R30851501

Codice prodotto. 11974042

  • 695.00€ / 50 tests

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Rapidly detect capsular polysaccharide antigens associated with Cryptococcus neoformans infection using Thermo Scientific™ Remel™ Cryptococcus Antigen Test Kit. In 1963, Bloomfield reported detection of cryptococcal polysaccharide (CPS) antigens in serum and CSF of patients with cryptococcosis1. In further testing, investigators reported false-positive reactions in the serum of patients with rheumatoid factor2,3. In 1983, Stockman and Roberts introduced an enzymatic method incorporating protease to eliminate interference factors in serum4.

Cryptococcosis is a systemic infection caused by the yeast, C. neoformans1. The natural reservoirs for C. neoformans are soil and avian feces. Inhalation of yeast cells may lead to a lung infection and possibly disseminated disease. Patients often present with devastating debilitation, especially those with an immunosuppressive syndrome. Because C. neoformans has an unusual affinity for central nervous system tissue, rapid and early detection is essential.

  • Sensitive test
  • Rapid test: Results are obtained within 5 minutes.
  • Easy to identify: A positive test is indicated by any agglutination or clumping and clearing of the test latex immediately after 5 mins rotation step, whereas a negative test is indicated by no agglutination or clumping.
  • Semi-quantitative test: The titer is the reciprocal of the last dilution which produces a positive result (agglutination).

Cryptococcus Antigen Test Kit incorporates the use of latex particles sensitized with murine (mouse) IgM monoclonal antibodies. CPS antigen in patient serum or CSF interacts with sensitized latex particles producing visible agglutination. The use of IgM monoclonal antibodies and treatment of serum with protease reduce the potential for false-positive reactions, eliminating the need to perform a companion control latex test to verify the specificity of results5-6. This test has both diagnostic and prognostic value since progressive disease is usually accompanied by increasing antigen titers. Declining titers are usually associated with clinical improvement, with or without therapy.

Not all products are available for sale in all territories. Please inquire.

Remel™ and Oxoid™ products are now part of the Thermo Scientific brand.



Cryptococcus Antigen Test Kit
C. neoformans Antigen
1 vial test latex; negative control; positive control; low positive control; protease tablet; 10x specimen diluent; reaction cards; dispensing pipette
50 Tests/Kit
Suggerimenti di prodotto

Suggerimenti di prodotto

Sicurezza e movimentazione

Sicurezza e movimentazione

  • Pericolo

Categoria di pericolo
  • Sensibilizzante delle vie respiratorie Categoria 1

Indicazioni di pericolo
  • H334-Può provocare sintomi allergici o asmatici o difficoltà respiratorie se inalato.
  • H412-Nocivo per gli organismi acquatici con effetti di lunga durata.

Consigli di prudenza
  • P261-Evitare di respirare la polvere/i fumi/i gas/la nebbia/i vapori/gli aerosol.
  • P342+P311-In caso di sintomi respiratori: contattare un CENTRO ANTIVELENI/un medico/ .
  • P273-Non disperdere nell'ambiente.



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