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IBA Lifesciences StarGate pLSG-IBA Vectors for Baculo

Transfer vectors that allow for high-level expression in insect cells by introducing the gene of interest into the Polyhedrin gene locus of AcMNPV DNA by homologous recombination.

Marke:  IBA Lifesciences 5-4823-001

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Artikelnummer. 15663828

  • 266.00€ / 5µg

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pLSG-IBA Baculo virus (insect cells) expression vectors

The pLSG-IBAwt1 vector carries the Polyhedrin promoter for high-level expression in insect cells.

  • Co-transfection with BacPAK6 linearized AcMNPV DNA (Clontech) or circular flashBAC modified AcMNPV DNA (Oxford Expression Technologies) allows the generation of recombinant baculovirus at very high efficiency through reconstitution of an essential gene (ORF 1629) and elimination of wild type virus to great extent.
  • Cloning and expression of recombinant proteins in insect cells
  • Polyhedrin promoter drives high-level expression of the insert
  • Ampicillin resistance and ColE1 origin of replication (pUC) support propagation in E. coli

Please note that cloning into pLSG-IBA Acceptor Vectors compulsorily requires the restriction enzyme Esp3I since no other MCS for the integration of a gene of interest is available. In addition to the direct cloning of the gene of interest into pLSG-IBA vectors with Esp3I, another option via a so-called Entry-Vector is possible.



pUC ori, Ampicillin resistance
20 μL TE buffer: 10 mm Tris-HCl, 1 mm EDTA / 5 μg
Strep-tag for C-terminal and GST-tag for N-terminal
5 μg
Cloning Genes of Interest for Use in Functional Expression, Purification, Detection, Immobilization or Separation of Recombinant Proteins
StarGate™ System, Insect Host Cells
BacPAK6 linearized A cmNPV DNA (Clontech) or circular flashBAC modified A cmNPV DNA (Oxford Expression Technologies)
Acceptor Vector for bacula (insect cell) expression
2°C to 8°C for frequent usage, -20°C for long-term storage
250 ng/μL


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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