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Thermo Scientific™ TMTpro™ 16plex Label Reagent Set

The Thermo Scientific TMTpro 16plex Label Reagent Set enables multiplexing of up to 16 samples for multiplexed protein identification and quantitation using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).

Marca:  Thermo Scientific™ A44520

7381.50 EUR valido fino al 2025-03-14
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Codice prodotto. 16365528

  • 7770.00€ / 5mg

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TMTpro label reagents are the next generation of tandem mass tags, designed to increase multiplexing without compromising protein identification and quantitation. The structures of the TMTpro and TMT tags are similar in being isobaric and amine reactive, but the TMTpro tag has a longer spacer region and isobutyl proline mass reporter. After fragmentation, each TMTpro tag generates a unique reporter mass (i.e., TMTpro 126-134Da) in the low-mass region of the high-resolution MS/MS spectrum used for multiplexed relative quantitation of protein expression.

The advantages of TMTpro tags include increased multiplexed relative quantitation, increased sample throughput, and fewer missing quantitative values among samples. With these capabilities, the TMTpro 16plex label reagents are suited for applications requiring higher multiplexing and fewer missing values, such as inhibitor dose response experiments, time course experiments, thermal shift assays, or single cell analysis. When combined with the industry leading, high-resolution Orbitrap instruments and software, TMTpro reagents provide integrated total solutions for quantitative protein expression analysis.

Features of TMTpro 16plex Label Reagent Sets include:
Multiplex—concurrent MS analysis of up to 16 samples derived from cells, tissues, or biological fluids
Robust—increased multiplex capability results in fewer missing quantitative values among samples and higher confidence among replicates
Efficient—amine-reactive, NHS ester-activated reagents ensure efficient labeling of all peptides regardless of protein sequence or proteolytic enzyme specificity
Compatible—optimized for use with high resolution Thermo Scientific Orbitrap MS/MS platforms, such as the Q Exactive and Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid instrument series, including the Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid and Ascend and Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometers with data analysis fully supported by Proteome Discoverer 2.3

For high resolution analysis of TMTpro-labeled peptides, the recommended LC column for the Nanospray Flex source is the Acclaim PepMap 100 C18 LC Column (Cat. No. 164942 or 164939). For the EASY-Spray source, the recommended LC column is the EASY-Spray C18 LC Column (Cat. No. ES902 or ES003).



Mass Spectrometer
Dry Ice
Protein Labeling
Isobaric Label Reagent Set
Tandem Mass Tag™ (TMT) Labels
Mass Spectrometry
1 x 5 mg (per tag)
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