A variety of immunoassays designed to detect and quantify specific analytes and suitable for multiple applications in molecular research. May include singleplex and multiplex varieties.
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The Human CD9 ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit measures CD9 protein and is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.
The ProcartaPlex Human Kidney Toxicity Panel 2 9plex enables nephrotoxicity research by analyzing 9 protein targets in a single well using Luminex xMAP technology.
The Human TFF3 (Trefoil Factor 3) ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit measures TFF3 (trefoil factor 3) protein and is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.
The ProcartaPlex Human Kidney Toxicity Panel 1 11plex enables nephrotoxicity research by analyzing 11 protein targets in a single well using Luminex xMAP technology.
The Human Alpha-1-Microglobulin ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.
The Human Calbindin ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit measures calbindin protein and is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that users can create their own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.
The Human Uromodulin ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit measures uromodulin protein and is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that you can create your own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.
The Human Osteoactivin (GPNMB) ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit measures osteoactivin (GPNMB) protein and is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that users can create their own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.
The Human Renin ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit measures renin protein and is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that users can create their own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.
The Human KIM-1 (TIM-1/HAVCR1) ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit measures KIM-1 (TIM-1/HAVCR1) protein and is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that users can create their own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.
The Human GSTA1 (Glutathione S-Transferase A1) ProcartaPlex Simplex Kit measures GSTA1 (glutathione S-transferase A1) protein and is designed to be combinable with other Simplex kits so that users can create their own multiplex panel that utilizes Luminex xMAP technology for protein detection/quantitation.