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Fisherbrand™ accumet™ Basic AB330 Benchtop Laboratory Conductivity Meter

Ideal for daily conductivity, TDS and salinity testing of your routine laboratory samples, the accumet™ Basic AB330 Benchtop Meter provides essential functions needed without complicated functions at a budget-friendly price.

Marke:  Fisherbrand™ 13636AB330

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  • Large, backlit display simultaneous shows conductivity and temperature readings
  • One to five point conductivity calibration with automatic standard recognition of four conductivity standards
  • One to five point TDS calibration and one point salinity calibration
  • Linear temperature compensation from 0 to 10 %/°C with reference temperatures of 15, 20, 25 or 30°C
  • One point ATC temperature probe calibration
  • Calibration due alarm, selectable 1 to 60 hr., or off
  • Automatic or manual temperature compensation
  • Ready icon indicates measurement stability
  • 500 data set storage with time/date stamp
  • Non-volatile meter memory preserves settings and data in event of power loss
  • Meter-attached stand facilitates easy electrode movement into and out of samples


Conductivity Meter with Electrode Stand
±1% Full Scale
Conductivity with Temperature, TDS with Temperature, Salinity with Temperature
Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, Temperature
1 to 5 (Conductivity), 1 to 5 (TDS), 1 (Salinity), 1 (Temperature)
0.01, 0.1, 1 μS; 0.01, 0.1 mS
0 to 10 %/°C
0 to 80 ppt
±1% Full Scale
±1% Full Scale
-5°C to +105°C
±0.3°C (±0.5°F)
500 Points
Conductivity, ATC
3 Years
Indicator Icons
100/240 V
Electrode Stand, Power Adapter
Port for Computer or Printer
0.1 to 10
84 μS, 1413 μS, 12.88 mS, 111.8 mS
0 μS to 500 mS
15, 20, 25 or 30°C
0.01, 0.1 ppt
0.01, 0.1, 1 ppm; 0.01, 0.1 ppt
0.4 to 1
0.1°C (0.1°F)
5 in. LCD
Printed or CSV Format
CE, TUV 3-1, FCC Class A, Without NIST-traceable Calibration Certificate
Universal Power Adapter
Automatic with Auto-read and Timed Modes, Manual with Continuous Mode
50/60 Hz


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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