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Epredia™ CryoStar™ NX70 Cryostat

Accommodate the needs of both research and clinical laboratories with the Epredia™ CryoStar™ NX70.

65970.00€ - 73945.00€


Certificazione/Conformità Certificate of Hygiene, CE Marked
Sbrinamento Programmed/Immediate
Display Integrated Color LCD Touchscreen
Include All standard features: electronic height adjustment, Rapid Response Temperature Control, multi-axis specimen orientation, motorized sectioning, specimen retraction, form-fitting design
Lighting LED
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Prodotti 4
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Low-profile Blade Carrier With Cold D
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Low-profile Blade Carrier With Vacutome
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Low-profile Blade Carrier With Cold D, Vacutome
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Standard Features

  • Knife advance
  • Designations for both low and high blade holders
  • Multi-axis specimen orientation
  • High quality motorized sectioning
  • Specimen retraction

Optional Features

  • Cold Disinfection with Cryostar NX70 D
  • Vacutome with Cryostar NV70 V
  • Both Cold Disinfection and Vacutome with Cryostar NX70 DV

Ease of Use

  • Large open chamber with bright LED lighting
  • Integrated color LCD touch screen
  • Joystick

Temperature Control

  • Precise control through periods of prolonged use
  • Rapid Response Temperature Control cools object holder, blade holder and cryobar only

Comfortable Ergonomic Design

  • Integrated electronic height adjustment from 32 to 44 inches
  • Form-fitting front panel and arm rest to reduce user fatigue

Low-profile blade holder, high-profile blade holder or 16 cm steel knife carrier

Ordering Information:
Low- or High-profile blade holder or 16 cm steel knife carrier must be designated at time of ordering.



Certificate of Hygiene, CE Marked
Integrated Color LCD Touchscreen
0.5 to 100μm (Fine Section), 5 to 500μm (Trim Section)
x- and y-axes universal 7° with zero positioning; z-axis up to 360°
-50°C to +10°C at +20°C Room Temperature (decrease 0.7°C/1°C room temp. increase)
64 mm
Motorized (on/off)
0 to 256 mm/sec.
0.5 to 5μm in 0.5μm steps; 5 to 10μm in 1μm steps; 10 to 20μm in 2μm steps; 20 to 50μm in 5μm steps; 50 to 100μm in 10μm steps
39.4 in.
32.3 to 44.0 in.
29.7 in.
-60°C Max.
200 kg
All standard features: electronic height adjustment, Rapid Response Temperature Control, multi-axis specimen orientation, motorized sectioning, specimen retraction, form-fitting design
-35°C to -5°C at 20°C room temp. (decrease 0.5°C/1°C room temp. increase)
3 mm/sec. max. (variable speed by joystick control)
20 μm
0.5 to 5μm in 0.5μm steps, 5 to 10μm in 1μm steps, 10 to 20μm in 2μm steps, 20 to 50μm in 5μm steps, 50 to 100μm in 10μm steps
Disposable blade carrier 8 to 16°
Manual and motorized, electronically controlled
Manually adjusted to specimen size
48 mm
100 cm
82 to 112 cm
75.5 cm
440 lb.


Product Certifications
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