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Thermo Scientific™ Colonne di microcentrifugazione Pierce™ C-18

Thermo Scientific Pierce C18 Spin Columns (10–150 μL) and Spin Tips (10–100 μL) effectively remove interfering contaminants, while also maintaining excellent binding and recovery of peptide samples for use upstream of mass spectrometry and other high sensitivity detection methods.

172.00€ - 383.00€


Da utilizzare con (apparecchiatura) Microcentrifuge, Mass Spectrometer
Product Line Pierce™
Content And Storage Store at room temperature.
Starting Material Peptides, Protease-digested Protein
Tipo di prodotto finale Peptides
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Thermo Scientific™
25 colonne Column
pezzi 25
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Thermo Scientific™
50 colonne Column
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Thermo Scientific™
96 Tips Spin Tip
pezzi 96
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Thermo Scientific™
96 x 10 μL Tips Pipette Tip
pezzi 96
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Thermo Scientific™
96 puntali Pipette Tip
pezzi 96
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Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) provide high sensitivity and mass accuracy; however, interfering molecules from the sample can result in reduced sensitivity and poor-quality spectra. Sample clean-up with C18 resins significantly improves signal-to-noise ratios and sequence coverage by removing MS-incompatible salts and detergents commonly used in protein or peptide preparation. The optimized protocol for the Pierce C-18 Spin Columns effectively removes contaminants and elutes peptides in MS-compatible solutions.

Pierce C18 Spin Columns
Thermo Scientific Pierce C18 Spin Columns are ready-to-use centrifuge columns of porous C18 reverse-phase resin for peptide sample preparation for MS and other analysis methods. The protocol has been optimized to efficiently remove interfering contaminants and release peptides in MS-compatible solutions. Columns can be used effectively for processing peptides derived from 10 ng to 30 μg of protein. Sensitivity and detection limits are dependent on the downstream application.

Efficient—effectively removes interfering contaminants to improve spectral quality and is suitable for a variety of reverse-phase-compatible contaminants
Flexible—works with a wide variety of load volumes and concentrations; no need to reduce sample volume before application
Convenient—spin column format requires no special equipment to process multiple samples simultaneously
Robust—special C18 resin allows excellent recovery percentages, even at low (sub-picomole) sample loads

Pierce C18 Spin Tips
Thermo Scientific Pierce C18 Spin Tips enable fast and efficient capture, concentration, desalting, and elution of up to 10 μg of peptides per 20 μL of sample with volumes ranging from 10 to 100 μL. The five-step procedure is simple and requires less than five minutes to process protein digests, strong cation exchange fractions, and other protein and peptide samples for mass spectrometric (MS) analyses. The Pierce C18 Spin Tips offer excellent flow properties with a high-efficiency monolithic C18 sorbent for fast wetting, loading, washing, and eluting.

Efficient—effectively removes interfering contaminants to improve spectral quality and is suitable for a variety of reverse-phase-compatible contaminants
Rapid—C18 fast-flow tips have low resistance and improved flow
Convenient—spin tips are provided with tip adaptor for easy centrifugation
Cleaner sample—device filters particulates that can cause autosampler and column clogging

• Clean-up of peptides after protein digestion
• Peptide sample concentration and desalting
• Sample preparation for MALDI peptide analysis and proteomics workflows

Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) are essential for studying biological compounds because of the high sensitivity and mass accuracy they provide. However, many of the buffers and compounds common to biological samples interfere with both MALDI-MS and ESI-MS, resulting in reduced sensitivity and poor-quality spectra. Pierce C-18 Spin Columns remove interfering contaminants and release peptides in MS-compatible solutions, providing an effective tool that aids in the MS examination of post-translational modifications or for the identification of proteins by peptide mapping.



Microcentrifuge, Mass Spectrometer
Store at room temperature.
Sample Clean Up
Peptides, Protease-digested Protein
Mass Spectrometry
Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)


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