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Thermo Scientific™ Savant™ SpeedVac™ SPD120 Vacuum Concentrator and Kits
Obtain the necessary components for molecular biology applications with Thermo Scientific™ Savant™ SpeedVac™ SPD120 vacuum concentrator and kits.
Marca: Thermo Scientific™ SPD120P2-230
24058.34 EUR valido fino al 2025-03-31
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These modular vacuum concentrators provide flexibility for your benchtop space. They are ideal for evaporation of non-aggressive organics. Choose from one of 2 kits available: SPD120P1 SpeedVac kit for standard evaporation or SPD120 P2 SpeedVac™ kit for lyophilization. All SpeedVac kits contain all the necessary components under one model number.
Space-saving design:
- Automatic bleeder valve for un-attended start/stop
- Digital display of parameters for easy, reproducible selection
- Three user defined programs that can be modified and saved
- Independent timers for both heat and run and audible alarm when run is completed
- PTFE-coated chamber for superior chemical resistance and easy cleaning
- Match up with an appropriate cold trap, vacuum pump or chemical trap for a complete concentration/drying system
Product Features:
- Basic molecular biology applications with increased microplate capacity
- Simple display and programming
- Six programs available
- Enhanced evaporation model, organic compatible
- Radiant glass cover to accelerate evaporation and reduce drying time
- Vacuum end point mode terminates run when preset vacuum level is reached
- Digital display of vacuum, temperature and time section
- Latched lid and lid lock indicator ensuring user safety during operation
SpeedVac SPD120 P1 Kit includes:
- SpeedVac concentrator
- Universal vacuum system (UVS450) including an oil-free vacuum pump and a -50 °C refrigerated vapor trap
- Glass condensation flask (GCF400)
- 40 x 1.5 mL rotor (RH40-11)
- Tubing package including 12’ of thick-walled vacuum tubing, cutter, clamps and fittings, BV130 manual bleed valve and instructions
- CryoCool heat transfer fluid (1 L)
SpeedVac SPD120 P2 Kit includes:
- SpeedVac concentrator, basic molecular biology
- -105 ºC, ultra-low temperature refrigerated vapor trap
- VPL120 high vacuum pump
- 40 x 1.5 mL rotor (RH40-11)
- Universal tubing package (TFK100)
- Digital vacuum gauge
- Chemical trap kit for use with disposable cartridge
- Disposable cartridge with color indicator for trapping acids and water vapor
- Glass condensation flask
- Vacuum pump lubricating oil
- CryoCool™ heat transfer fluid (1 L)
Solvent and solvent combinations
- Acetonitrile
- Ethanol
- Isopropanol
- Methanol
- Water
- Acetonitrile and water
- Ethanol and water
- Methanol and water
- Ammonium hydroxide
Typical applications:
- Drying biomolecules in HPLC fractions
- Evaporating purification solvents
- Drying extracts of natural products in drug assays
- Lyophillization

UL Listed to US and Canadian requirements. CE marked | |
SpeedVac SPD120 Vacuum Concentrator Kit | |
230 V 50 Hz |
Sicurezza e movimentazione
- Modular SPD120P2 Savant Speed Vac kit, medium capa
- Attenzione
Categoria di pericolo
- Liquido infiammabile Categoria 3
- Tossicità per la riproduzione Categoria 2
Indicazioni di pericolo
- H226-Liquido e vapori infiammabili.
- H361-Sospettato di nuocere alla fertilità o al feto.
Consigli di prudenza
- P201-Procurarsi istruzioni specifiche prima dell'uso.
- P202-Non manipolare prima di avere letto e compreso tutte le avvertenze.
- P210-Tenere lontano da fonti di calore, superfici riscaldate, scintille, fiamme e altre fonti di innesco. Vietato fumare.
- P233-Tenere il recipiente ben chiuso.
- P240-Mettere a terra/massa il contenitore e il dispositivo ricevente.
- P241-Utilizzare impianti elettrici/di ventilazione/d'illuminazione/ a prova di esplosione.
- P242-Utilizzare solo utensili antiscintillamento.
- P243-Prendere precauzioni contro le scariche elettrostatiche.
- P280-Indossare guanti/indumenti protettivi/Proteggere gli occhi/il viso.
- P303+P361+P353-IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON LA PELLE (o con i capelli): togliere immediatamente tutti gli indumenti contaminati. Sciacquare la pelle/fare una doccia.
- P308+P313-IN CASO di esposizione o di possibile esposizione, consultare un medico.
- P370+P378-In caso d'incendio: utilizzare per estinguere.
- P403+P235-Conservare in luogo fresco e ben ventilato.
- P501b-Smaltire il prodotto/recipiente in conformità con le disposizioni locali/regionali/nazionali/internazionali.
Informazioni supplementari
- MIXTURE LIST-Contiene: Octamethyltrisiloxane, Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, Dodecamethylpentasiloxane,Decamethyltetrasilox
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