Per colorare, risciacquare e asciugare i vetrini su un unico vassoio di lavoro. Il vassoio monouso di colorazione per vetrini Fisherbrand™ può contenere otto vetrini con pozzetti profondi. Vassoi robusti ed economici che assicurano un'area di lavoro sempre pulita. Con coperchio scuro, beccucci e manici incassati per garantire un'ottima maneggevolezza.
Slide tray that is ideal for clinical and research laboratory staining, rinsing, and drying applications.
Stainless steel construction. For use with staining trough. Order staining trough, tray and wire handle separately.
Accommodate up to 30 slides with Epredia™ Complete Manual Staining Assemblies 110 and 121, available with a non-autoclavable glass or stainless-steel dish.
Slide Rack, for use with the Shandon™ Sequenza™ Immunostaining Center.
Accommodate up to 60 slides with Epredia™ Complete Manual Staining Assemblies 117 and 130, available with a non-autoclavable glass or stainless-steel dish.
Improve throughput with the Gemini™ AS Automated Slide Stainer, the ultimate multitasking stainer with a footprint small enough to fit in tight spaces.
Tensione | 100/240 V |
Capacità vetrino | 20 Slides/Basket |
Frequenza | 50/60 Hz |
Stain at least 108 slides per day with this fast, space-saving unit that provides flexible options to meet the workflow needs of any laboratory.
Da utilizzare con (apparecchiatura) | Slides of approx. 76 x 26 mm |
Colore | Clear |
Dimensioni (L x P x A) | 9 x 7 x 6.5 cm |
Da utilizzare con (applicazione) | Staining slides |
Product Type | Piastra di copertura |
Maintain Epredia™ Shandon™ Manual Staining Station with Shandon Manual Staining Station Accessories.
Da utilizzare con (apparecchiatura) | Epredia™ Shandon™ Manual Staining Station |
Support and expand the functionality of the Epredia™ Varistain™ 24-4 Automatic Slide Stainer with Varistain™ 24-4 Accessories.