Imballaggio | Amber Glass |
Applicazioni | Mounting and long-term storage of slides |
Product Type | Slide Mounting Media |
Non-permanent mountant for use with frozen sectioning, immunoperoxidase techniques and immunofluorescent applications.
Product Type | Shandon Immu-mount |
Store slides for prolonged periods of time without fading of stains with Epredia™ Mounting Medium.
Product Type | Mounting Medium |
Enhance FITC intensity in fluorescence microscopy with Epredia™ Lab Vision™ PermaFluor™ Aqueous Mounting Medium.
Content And Storage | Conservare a 2° - 8 °C |
R&D Systems™ Fluorescent Mounting Medium is specially designed for the preservation of tissues labeled using the TACS™ In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kits with fluorescein as the detection method.
Employ all routine xylene-substitute clearing agents with the Epredia™ Xylene Substitute Mountant.
Product Type | Xylene Substitute |
Applications: Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry-Paraffin, Immunohistochemistry-Frozen