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Hoefer™ Mini and Standard Electrophoresis Blotting Systems

Economical equipment packages provide proven electrophoresis solutions for Western blotting

Marca:  Hoefer™ 360622

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Codice prodotto. 11955388

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Includes: The Mini Electrophoresis Blotting System with Transfer Tank includes the Mighty Small II Mini Vertical Electrophoresis System, Model SE260 Complete; TE22 Mini Tank Blotting Unit; and PS300B Power Supply (300V, 500mA, 90w). The Mini Electrophoresis Blotting System with Semidry Unit includes the Mighty Small II Mini Vertical Electrophoresis System, Model SE260 Complete; Semidry Transfer Unit with Built-In Power Supply, Model TE70XP; and PS300B Power Supply (300V, 500mA, 90w). The Standard Electrophoresis Blotting System with Transfer Tank includes the SE600 Chroma Vertical Electrophoresis System; TE62 Tank Blotting Unit; and PS300B Power Supply (300V, 500mA, 90w). The Standard Electrophoresis Blotting System with Semidry Unit includes the SE600 Chroma Vertical Electrophoresis System; Large Semidry Transfer Unit with Built-In Power Supply, Model TE77XP; and PS300B Power Supply (300V, 500mA, 90w).
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  • Comes with PS300B 300 V, 500 mA, 90 W Power Supply for all units
  • Save time and money with a combination package


Standard Electrophoresis Blotting System
300 V
500 mA
Deluxe dual cooled vertical unit, standard transfer tank with cooling chamber, power supply
90 w
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